Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Solubility Rules

Solubility RulesSolubility rules are a standard method of setting and understanding solubility of solutions in various solutions. They explain the relationships between solutions and mixtures, among others. It also helps to understand the efficiency of any organic compound when it is introduced into a solution as a constituent component.Solubility rules provide guidelines as to how to measure a certain substance's solubility in a particular medium. They can also be used to determine the concentration of any chemical in a solution. The rule is also used to determine the density of a substance, which is defined as its weight divided by its volume.Solubility rules give formulas for measuring the value of a mixture. They describe the molecular weight of the liquid state of a substance, which is usually water. They are often referred to as rules because they deal with the interaction of substances. The rules are an important aid to the chemical chemist, as they explain the molecular struc ture of substances, and the method of concentration of specific compounds.Solubility rules have existed since the middle ages. At that time, there were no defined chemical reactions, which was taken as evidence that every substance reacts chemically. Therefore, they created a system that represented the order of reactions that were involved in chemical reactions.The rules are simple enough to understand, as their name makes clear. A rule is the correspondence of something to its scale in a chemical equation. Therefore, if we look at solubility, they show the relation between things, or molecules, as represented by an equation. A rule indicates a number, or a scale, of the number of molecular bonds per unit of weight.The use of the rule to define the relationship between two different reactions is the most basic element of the rule. The rule defines a spectrum of the reaction that has been described by a formula, or equation. The rule of reason explains the effect of all the differen t terms on each other.There are many other examples of the rule of reason. However, when one considers solubility rules, they illustrate the relationship between many different elements, or mixtures, that exist in different solutions. These rules have been in existence for hundreds of years, and it is still the main tool that chemists use to accurately characterize and understand the interaction of the elements in a solution.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Singing Tips for Vocal Techniques

Singing Tips for Vocal Techniques Learn New Singing Techniques ChaptersHow to Sing Baritone?How to Hit High Notes?How to Sing in a Deeper Voice?Our daily life is full of sounds. We hear music almost everywhere we go, we gain information by listening, and we produce sounds using our vocal cords in order to talk to people. When we're not talking to people, we're listening to other people talk.  While the spoken language is at the heart of human communication, it’s also a way to express emotion through poetry, theatre, and song.A music school might help you when it comes to learning to sing? (Source: Thibault Trillet)The latter is without a doubt been part of humanity since the beginning of our history and accompanies us on both our saddest and happiest days.  Singing is universal, every time period, civilisation, gender, and race, has had their own type of singing and making music.Let’s have a look at all the different ways you can sing, from the lowest vocal ranges to the highest as well as the most important vocal techniques you should be le arning how to do.Find a voice coach London  or a voice coach anywhere in the UK. TraceySinging Teacher 4.92 (13) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PortiaSinging Teacher 4.91 (11) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolaSinging Teacher 5.00 (11) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JazzSinging Teacher 5.00 (6) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PerrineSinging Teacher 5.00 (3) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TiemSinging Teacher £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TomSinging Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MiriamSinging Teacher 5.00 (4) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsHow to Sing Baritone?Nowadays, when we think of opera singers, there are a few words that often spring up in every conversation.  Among these words, we could mention things like vocalising, vocal ranges, and vibrato.Vibrato is an essential part of being an opera singer and can add depth and a pleasing quality to an yone’s voice. In fact, vibrato is an essential part of any voice’s timbre.Generally, to make this concept a little easier to understand for novices, we can compare vibrato to a trill on a piano (or any other instrument capable of it) where there’s a quick alteration between a semitone or full note.However, vibrato differs from a trill in a few ways. Firstly, the alteration in pitch of vibrato is less than a semitone. Secondly, vibrato occurs at a rate much quicker than most musicians would be able to replicate on any given instrument.Of course, singers can do a trill but this occurs at a far more conscious level than vibrato does since it is alternating rapidly between notes rather than around a single note.Birds are very famous for their singing. Yet they never attend a single class. (Source: could say that a person’s vibrato is innate. If they’re young and on top of their game, their vibrato could come to them naturally without any need for taking tutoria ls (if they’re incredibly lucky, too!).On the other hand, the vocal cords tend to tighten over time which cannot be stopped by vocal training (though it can be slowed). The older you are, the harder it will be to find your vibrato or emulate it with age. This is why opera singers, much like professional athletes, have short careers since their bodies are constantly working against them.When it comes to singing, vibrato requires that you relax and carry out thousands upon thousands of breathing exercises.  If you want to master vibrato, you have to be able to do it without forcing it and tiring yourself out. You have to avoid going hoarse!Vibrato is being able to place your voice well without perfectly placing your voice and singing perfectly in key.  This technique can help you avoid trying to replicate a pure and hard recto tono which sounds even worse if you’re off.Every singer will have a moment where this modulation is over the top and seems exaggerated like the stereotypica l opera singer in popular media. However, every singer goes through this so you needn’t be embarrassed about it. Even famous singers start by singing in the shower and then they end up singing in a recording studio.How to Hit High Notes?In the West, singing with a head voice or a falsetto is one of the oldest singing techniques around. No matter what music school you attend or which music teacher teaches you, they’ll be familiar with the idea.But what is the head voice?These are the sounds, without screaming, that are emitted by the head or mouth on its own, unlike the chest voice which requires the participation of diaphragmatic breathing to be achieved.  For a better colortura, valour, and volume, there’s nothing better than the chest voice, of course.This is where the operatic revolution of the 19th century took place with the appearance of the tenor. Thanks largely to Rossini, the operatic high C began to be more commonly sung in a chest voice, a fact that Verdi continued to exploit.  However, this is for a very particular tessitura and for a very particular type of singer and range.  A chest voice is very common amongst baritones and basses.Modern musicians are expected to have stage presence when they perform. (Source: Josh Sorenson)On the other hand, when it comes to the higher ranges, in order to have the agility for a beautiful voice and healthy intonation, you’ll probably have to stay in your head voice.  The nasal cavities, which are used as resonators, are fully exploited alongside the larynx, glottis, and pharynx.It’s important to therefore take care of them by drinking a lot of water and avoiding products that could harm them (like dairy products, wine, and tobacco).  This is the kind of range that countertenors are expected to reach.The baroque style, which includes composers such as Handel, often used this type of vocal range. Resorting to a speech language pathologist or a phoniatrician alongside your vocal coaching can often come wi th a lot of benefits for post-pubescent singers wanting to join the exclusive club of 21st-century countertenors.While changing your voice isn’t an easy thing to do, high notes can be sung by most singers without having to resort to surgery.  Every singer will eventually end up attempting to hit higher and higher notes with the help of their vocal coach (once they’ve mastered the lower notes, of course).These usually come as part of your head voice although they can later on become part of your chest voice with a bit of work. The greatest singers can have a very broad tessitura, like Luciano Pavarotti, who was largely self-taught.Our tutors could help you get to the bottom of the mixed voice, a third voice which rests at the junction between the head voice and the chest voice but is actually considered a juvenile technique in some circles.Learn all the tricks by taking online singing lessons.How to Sing in a Deeper Voice?If you’re not a fan of the high notes and the head voice , here’s where you can find the low powerful notes. Finding your voice amongst the low notes means that you’re able to interpret a large number of different songs.For female singers, the contraltos are those who sing with the lowest voices. For male singers, it’s the basses who sing in the lowest ranges.  Their vocal colour is often referred to as “heroic” and is essential in romantic music and even more so when performing a number of Wagner’s works.The organs around the thorax resonate with incredible force. It goes without saying that if you want to sing in these vocal ranges, you should definitely do some warm up exercises beforehand.  The lower vocal ranges tend to work almost exclusively with the chest voice.Diaphragmatic breathing is more essential than ever meaning that you’ll probably need to enlist the help of a vocal coach or singing teacher.  Additionally, you’ll need to work on taking care of your throat and all the accompanying organs involved.Nowadays, you can get vocal coaching almost anywhere and learn the necessary skills in private tutorials or group classes.  The first thing you’ll need to do is learn how to sing in tune. It’s pretty pointless trying to expand your range or alter your tessitura if you’re yet to have mastered the notes within your range.  Above all, don’t force it and never lower your head when you try to sing the lower notes.Don’t confuse singing with shouting, either. You should try to make your voice carry farther rather than yelling. Imagine you’re making your voice heard to someone far away rather than simply increasing the volume.With all this in mind, we recommend that you find an educator who can help you learn to sing, improve your lower range while ensuring you don’t pick up any bad habits.Vocal technique tutorials can help you to expand your vocal range. (Source: voice is an instrument, after all, and you need to take care of it and work on it by singing in a gro up or performing, for example.Vocal warm ups and working on your elocution are great ways for singers to avoid losing their voice and make good progress.  Don’t forget to also rest your voice regularly and remember that music theory tutorials are always useful for both singers and those wanting to learn to play an instrument be it saxophone, acoustic guitar, piano, etc.You just have to make sure you keep up with your exercises after your singing lessons and, most importantly of all, have fun!

English Phrasal Verbs Come Back and Go Back (video)

English Phrasal Verbs Come Back and Go Back (video) The English phrasal verbs come back and go back are often confused because the meanings are almost the same.Both of these phrasal verbs are synonyms for return, but they are used differently depending on the speakers location. Watch the video below to get a better understanding of these differences, they try the exercise.Come Back and Go Back Phrasal Verb ExerciseUse a form of come back or go back to answer each of these.1. We ____ ___ from Argentina in 2010.2. I ___ ____ home after the concert.3. My parents dont want me to ___ ___ to South America.4. When do you think the Olympics will ____ ____ to the United States.5. João lived in the United States for 3 years, then ____ ___ to the Brazil, where he was born. matej 1. came back 2. came back 3. went back 4. went back 5. came back LOIEnglish MatejNumber 3 should be in present tense: go back. Also number 4 should be come back because the speaker is speaking from the United States. Number 5 is went back because the speaker is NOT in Brazil but talking about Joao who went back to Brazil. Francis 1. We ____ came back ___ from Argentina in 2010.2. I ___ came back ____ home after the concert.3. My parents don’t want me to ___ go back ___ to South America.4. When do you think the Olympics will ____ come back____ to the United States.5. João lived in the United States for 3 years, then ____ he came back___ to the Brazil, where he was born LOIEnglish FrancisGood work. The only trouble was with the last question. Question 5: went back. The reference is at the end of the sentence, where he was born. It indicates to us that the narrator is not in Brazil.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Run Out - Phrasal Verb of the Day

Run Out - Phrasal Verb of the Day Todays phrasal verb of the day is: Run OutInfinitive form: Run OutPresent Tense: Run Out/ Runs Outing form: Running OutPast tense: Ran OutParticiple: Run OutRun Out is an inseparable English phrasal verb.  It can be used in three different ways:When people exit a place very quickly. Run In/ Run Into is the opposite of Run Out1. The people ran out of the building when the fire alarm went off.2. I saw Hayden running out of the building a couple of minutes ago. I wonder if that has something to do with his ex-girlfriend?When you have nothing left to use, consume, etc. It is also used when something has been sold out1.  The handbag I bought is limited edition. I suggested you buy them before the store runs out of this beauty.2. Greg filled his cars  tank earlier, which means that he can drive it for hours before his car will eventually run out of gas.iframe width=560 height=315 src=// frameborder=0 allowfullscreen/iframeExercises: Write your answ ers in comments and we will correct them.Fill in the gaps from the video above:Let me tell it to you as clean as I can. We have 95 players here so accomplished as athletes in high school, we gave them full scholarships to the best football program in the country. NCAA regulations allow us to dress just 60 for home games, which means at least 35 scholarship players are gonna be watching the game from the stands. So if any of you has any fantasies about _____ __  of that stadium tunnel with your gold helmet shining in the sun, you best leave them right here. Of you 15 dreamers out there maybe well keep one or two. My job is to basically beat the shit out of you for the next five days, and whoever is still standing at the end, maybe well use for our scout teams. Youll be running the oppositions plays week in and week out. The greatest value to us is we dont care whether you get hurt. Our first teams are going to pound on you like youre their worst enemies. Like what you hear so far? A ny of you wanna run home to momma? Nows your chance. Joe, theyre all yours.What is Coach Warrens speech about?Complete the sentences below with the correct form of Run Out.1. I wish theyd keep quiet and ___ __ of words to say to each other. Theyve been debating all morning that I want to ___ __ of this room and go somewhere else.2. Weve ___ __ of beer and the party hasnt even started yet!3.  When you ___ __ of useful things to say, its actually best to be silent.4. My phones battery ___ __ and I need to make that call. Can you show me where to find a payphone around here?5. Paul was ___ ___ of breath as he ___ ___ of the building.Change the example sentences above to negative sentences (or positive, if the sentence is already negative). Then change them to questions.

Kuwait American School

Kuwait American School Kuwait American School The Kuwait American School is a caring values-based school (Pre-K - Grade 12) committed to delivering international education to the highest academic standards. We seek to educate the whole person towards the highest level of human consciousness in a learning environment of intercultural understanding and respect. Our mission is to serve our one world community by empowering valuable members of society. At the Kuwait American School, we strive to address the specific needs of our studentsâ€"academically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually. We seek to celebrate the uniqueness yet oneness of our students through our ongoing efforts to create and adapt our curriculum and instructional approaches in a manner which honors our students’ identities and potential. Our rigorous academic curriculum includes: Math, Language Arts, Reading, Science, Social Studies, Information Technology, Music, Physical Education, Thinking Skills, Living Values Education, Skills for the university of life, and all the competencies expected of a high-quality international school. We place particular emphasis on our values approach to learning, including the culturally and locally determined Arabic and Islamic Studies programs. Our students are also enriched from educational visits into the local community and from a wide range of extracurricular activities. The school believes that values education and character development are very important for the holistic development of the student.


QURUM PRIVATE SCHOOL QURUM PRIVATE SCHOOL The school was founded in 1983 as a private, co - educational, monolingual and afterwards a bilingual school with classes from Kindergarten to Grade 12. Students are divided into 3 levels, each level having its own purpose built premises, namely: Kindergarten 1 and 2 Grades 1 10 (Basic Education) Grades 11 and 12 (Higher Secondary) The school has since its establishment built a reputation as an institution that delivers quality education. The school is under the supervision of the Ministry of Education in the Sultanate of Oman and therefore offers the Omani National Curriculum in Islamic Studies, Arabic, Social Studies, Art, Sport and skills for classes following the Arabic curriculum. The school follows the Cambridge International Primary Program from Grade 1 6 (CIPP) and the International General Certificate for Secondary Education Program in Grades 9 and 10 (IGCSE). In grade 11 and 12 students can follow the International A levels offered by Edexcel or the Omani National Bilingual or Monolingual Curriculum. We have a roll of 817 learners. We pride ourselves on our warm, caring environment that we provide to our learners. The school also seeks to create a multicultural environment while also strengthening Omans own unique values, traditions, and heritage. Qurum Private School Qurum Private School This is a,co-edprivate school situated in Qurum in the capital Muscat. The school follows the British curriculum and offers the IGCSE and A Level programs as well as the Omani national curriculum.

International Community School of Abidjan

International Community School of Abidjan International Community School of Abidjan International Community School of Abidjan is an independent, coeducational day school offering an American curriculum program for K-12 students based on academic standards developed by Project AERO (American Education Reaches Out). As of 2017, ICSA is also proud to offer the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program to their students. Founded in 1972 by a group of Americans connected with the US Embassy, the school began its first year with 12 students and has since grown its enrollment to 445 students over the course of the 2016/17 school year. ICSA students are the dependents of the diplomatic, business and international business communities in Cote dIvoire. The school is currently sponsored by the US Embassy in Côte dIvoire, operated by the International Community School of Abidjan Association and is fully accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools (MSA) and the Council of International Schools (CIS). ICSA is also recognized and supported by the US Department of State through its Office of Overseas Schools.